The camp is for children of the Ropazi municipality and for children from the Mucenieki asylum seekers centre.
Place: Mucenieki multifunctional centre.
The camp will have:
- the possibility to try different types of training and sports accompanied by trainers;
- learn the basics of healthy nutrition and master classes;
- creative workshops and personality development training with psychologist;
- “Summer games”;
- classes on hygiene and reproductive health
- fun and creative time.
Parental authorisation and medical certificate are required.
Questionnaire for parents -
You can send your application and questions to:
THE FREE CAMP is being implemented under the programme “local development, poverty alleviation and cultural cooperation” co-financed by Islande, Liechtenstein and Norway through EEA grants (The project “integration-related activities in Mucenieks” implemented by the municipality of Ropazi (No. LV-LOCALDEV-0007).